Applying Emergenetics to Better Engage Volunteers
Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD) learns to to best work with each other for overall organisation’s progress.
Conducted by Shamantha Yan
Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD) was impacted by the learning of various communication strategies which appealed to the different thinking and behavioural preferences of their team-mates through hands-on team building exercises. They were then challenged to rethink their current thought processes and habits so that they can improve their productivity in their day-to-day work. These skills were influential in them enhancing their leadership, and in turn better engage volunteers they work with.
“…[Emergenetics] allows me to understand my committee members and use suitable approaches during meetings in future…”
EXCO Member, Save Our Street Dogs
Shamantha Yan is a trainer under Savoir Asia Consulting Pte Ltd and Ping! Connect Pte Ltd. Self motivated, she believes in value contribution and creation as well as constant learning and re-learning to adapt to a fast changing world. Above that, she is passionate about helping others find success. In her free time, Shamantha takes up courses and volunteers with Student Care Services and Young NTUC. Shamantha is certified to consult on, and deliver the scientifically validated Emergenetics communications tools and processes. She is also a trained Action Learning Coach and Process Facilitator.
Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD) is a voluntary welfare organisation that focuses on the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of Singapore’s street dogs, management of the stray dog population and implementing programs that involve rescue dogs that would contribute to the well-being of both humans and canines. SOSD provides opportunities for volunteers to not only interact with dogs, but to utilise their diverse skill sets and expertise in a meaningful manner that will benefit society at large and to pursue their interest and passion at the same time.