Expedition Agape

//Expedition Agape


Who is Anne Yeo?

An Emergenetics Associate since 2008, Anne invests her days leading organization and team development programs for her clients, something she has been doing since 2005.

Anne is also passionate about her voluntary and pro-bono work with youth and families, and she counts her blessing for the privilege to do this.


What is Expedition Agape?

Expedition Agape​​ transforms and empowers the lives of teenagers in challenging life circumstances through intentional mentoring by working adult volunteers and a structured programme over 6 months to develop the participants as “Leaders in Action”. As part of the journey, the team serves and makes a difference to local and overseas communities in need. Expedition Agape is a platform for self-discovery, leadership development and lifetime mentoring relationships to be built.

Beyond the 6 months, the Expedition Agape family and community continue to be a network of support providing opportunities for the participants to live and realise their dreams. Through Expedition Agape, we learn more about ourselves, and together as a team and family, discover ways in which we can live our best, authentic lives. Soaring to our fullest potential as leaders, we not only just dream possibilities, but also take action to serve in contribution.


The Impact Created

The group, largely made up of volunteers, got to know themselves and their fellow volunteers better. This heightened awareness supported the group to be more productive with the work and leverages on the preferences of the group.


Wha did they say? Quote from the participant…

“Thank you so much for conducting the workshop for us! It was truly insightful for the volunteer team and even till now, we are still talking in the language of “Emergenetics” with the brain profiles to help us understand one another better.

It is certainly a useful tool to strengthen our teamwork and relationships. The volunteers have shared too, that on a personal front, it gives plenty of room for self reflection as it raises their individual awareness of their own strengths, preferences and stretch zones. Grateful for your time!”

– Serene Koh, Founder of Expedition Agape

2017-07-22T10:05:51+08:00 June 24th, 2015|People|0 Comments

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