TEAM Insights Lead to Greater TEAM Dynamics
Expedition Agape learns to leverage on their preferences.
Conducted by Anne Yeo

The group, largely made up of volunteers, was impacted by the awareness they gained through the Emergenetics workshop, where they learnt both their individual and team thinking and behavioural preferences. This heightened awareness helped the group to be more productive with their work by leveraging on the different preferences in the group.
"It is certainly a useful tool to strengthen our teamwork and relationships...”
Serene Koh, Founder of Expedition Agape

Anne Yeo invests her days leading organization and team development programs for her clients since 2005 and was certified in Emergenetics in 2008. Anne is passionate about voluntary and pro-bono work with families and youths.

Expedition Agape transforms and empowers the lives of teenagers in challenging life circumstances through mentoring by working adult volunteers and a 6-month programme to develop the participants as “Leaders in Action”. The team serves both local and overseas communities in need. Expedition Agape is a platform for self-discovery, leadership development and lifetime mentoring relationships to be built.