Realising Diversity Makes the Perfect Team
Community Chest learns what diversity can achieve.
Conducted by Regina Chua

Community Chest was impacted by the discovery they had within their own team through Emergenetics. The tool and activities conducted in the workshop made them realise how diverse they were as individuals which they were not aware of before. Yet the activities also revealed to them that their diversity was the strength needed in building great teams.
As one participant aptly said, “Diversity makes a perfect team – we complement and support each other like the perfect team!”.
“…we complement and support each other like the perfect team!"
Participant, Community Chest

Regina Chua is a customer engagement strategist with vast experience in the marketing and business development in Asia Pacific. After 15 years of working with over 500 corporations, she founded DD Consulting, a boutique sales training consultancy and is a Certified Emergenetics Associate.

Community Chest, a fund-raising and engagement arm of the National Council of Social Service (NCSS), aims to ensure that every person has the opportunity to live a life of dignity to his or her fullest potential within our society.